Thursday, September 22, 2011

BULLIES !! >=(

 Kelsey Mckeon's post
 I don't understand what goes on in people's minds when they talk downon other people. When they call them fat, ugly, skinny, flat, dumb, andway more. [...] And most of all, cyber-bullying. I truly hate this. I hate what people do these days. People go and kill themselves because of these heartles jerks. How does that make you feel? Shitty, I hope.

I feel the exact same way as you. I dont know why people bully other people so much. Like do you think thats gonna make the other person feel good about there self cause its not its gonna make them feel terrible and heart broken. Bulling leads to suicide alot of high schoolers and other kids have been killing there selfs because they are tired of gettin bullied so much. I think people bully because they TRY to llok cool when really it makes them look dumb and they have no life. I also think people bully because they try to make them selfs feel better because maybe they are hateing on the person they are bullying on .

Now about the cyber bullying. That is one of the most embarrissing things if you are getting bullied on the internet because anyone could be reading it from all over the world. Acually i seen this movie called cyberbully and its an great example for this blog you all should go watch it. It tells you how the person gettin bullied feels and it also shows  you how dumb and stupid and how much trouble the bully get in  to. After i seen that movie i thought wow thats crazy i know i will never ever ! bully someone because its not right and it isnt funny they only reason why other people laugh when you bully is because they are dumb just like the bully is. And if i ever see someone getting bullied i will help them and tell the bully how dumb he looks and sounds. =) .

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