Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Ever since nine - eleven the world has changed and it wasn’ta very good change  

    9-11 Is one of the most scariest things to me.I never thought something like that will ever happen to us in the United States. Our world has turned up side down and our econmy just went to great to terrible. Gas prices started to rise actually all prices started to rise and its absolutely rediculus. All of this tragidy happened with one person who goes by the name of Bin Laden! 

Bin Laden to me is a horrible person. He was the one who thought and made people come to our land and blow up those buildings. Basicly he started 9-11, he killed so many innocent people that didnt do anything to anyone, they were just handling there buisness and then end up getting seriously injured or dead! Bin Laden has just been on the run for many and many years and our people just couldnt find him. But thankfully they found him....and killed him! It was all over the news and our people was sooo happy and so was i....even thow i just had found out what 9-11 was when the news came on talking about Laden and i had asked my parents about it and they told me the wholeee story and i was like OMG! I HATE HIM!!! lol. 

I think our world will be just a little more comfortable knowing Laden is dead and out of this world. But the scary thing is what if Ladens team want revenge of us killing him? What if something tragic like this happen again but worst and i world end up being more tragic? Thats the scary thing but okay thats all i have to say about 9-11 Aja lol.  


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