Tuesday, September 20, 2011

School, School, School !

Vicky Liang's When
freshmen year came, i still only did some of my work.I worked hard in
Math only so that was the only good grade i had. But at that time,
people around me started talking to me more about how important it isVicky Liang's Post
to do well in school 

Same here! In my freshman i was just so happy like omg its highschool im gonna have so much fun theres so many boys and a whole bunch of crap like that. I honestly didnt take school seriously and i only focused on math because that was my worst grade in 8th grade so that was my main focus. So i started getting good grades in math and just was passing it like it was nothing. So i started failing all of my other classes cause i thought i would pass them like i did in Middle School, but no it didnt go like that. 

So now im a sohpmore and im tryna take all of my grades seriously cause they say colleges look at your sohpmore year and junior and senior so i have to make sure i do not fail! The worst grades i have now is PE witch is dumb because you could get the easiest A in PE and also i have a D in science but thats kinda understandable because i always sucked in science but im sure its going to go up because im gonna make sure it goes up. 

I wanted to go to UCLA but i see its really hard to get in that and i know there is no way im going to make it they say i still can if i try harder but i think that its so late for alll that i dont think im gonna make it. So when i go to college i want to take regular classes for at least like 2 years then go to Beauty School. Then when i graduate i want to become a Proffesinal Dancer and a Model thats famous! But yeah basicly im tryna say i tottaly agree with you and im gonna try harder in school and focus and just have my free time and fun on the weekends because school is more important then anything.


  1. Aim big!! If you really want to go to UCLA, you'll be able to. You'll definitely find ways to. Besides, its only your sophomore year, you have like, 2 more years to make it up! Just keep working hard, you got it. Good luck! (:
