Wednesday, September 7, 2011


.Hi, My name is Tionna Laray Taylor. I was born in Washington State. I was born to my parents Tiffany Taylor and Larry Taylor. Im a mix breed witch is Black and Asian. Im from Las Vegas,Nevada. I have 3 sisters and 4 brothers. The oldest is my brother Larry Jr. he is 20 years old, then my sister Jameia she is 18, then its beautiful me Tionna and im 14, then my twin sisters Nazia and Najia they are 12, then Tishaun he is 8, then Niran he is 5, then its little baby Kingston he will be 1 in a few days. Im a model and plan on doing it for the rest of my life and also i want to be a professinol dancer. I have 4 dogs named Tooboo,Little Foot, Budah, and Maroo plus Maroo's and Budah's puppy. I have 2 cats Mister and Domino, 1 hermit crab named Claw, 1 hamster named Princess and 2 birds named Ruby and Tweety. 

I have a full asian grandma and she doesnt know her family only her kids and there kids witch is my family and she doesnt  know them because they kicked her out because they didnt want her being with a black man whitch was my grandpa. My parents met in highschool and was highschool sweethearts. Then they got married right before she got pregnant with me. Then alot happened and they got a divorce when i was 2 years old. My siblings and I moved toOakland with my Godmother. Then we moved back with my dad. Then i started kindergarten and when i hit 7th grade my grades started to go down, because i started getting interested in diffrent things.
Now one day when i was younger me and my big sister Jameia was playing tag in my aunt's backyard on a beautiful hot day and she had huge rocks in the backyard so i was "IT" . Witch means I have to touch someone else so they can be "IT" witch means they have to run away from me ! So I was chasing her and i tripped on one of the rocks and hit my knee, really bad. I seen my meat and everything yuckk! So after that when i run alot or play a certain sport my knee starts to bother me alot.

My favorite rapper is "Tyga" and "Nicki Minaj". They are hiphop and RnB artists and are also known as "Young Money". I wish that i could rap and write just like them because they are very good. My favorite singers is "Ciara" and "Chris Brown", they both can dance and sing very good!, and i wish i could dance like them.  

I love dancing, writeing songs and poems, and I love going shopping and hanging out with my friends and family. Im very talkitive when I warm up to people and I love the LORD!. Im a very funny person and I love making people laugh and make them feel comfortable around me. I like having company.....Sometimes. Im always on Facebook and always texting or talking on my phone. My favorite colors are Torquiose, black, and purple. My favorite Tv shows is "BET", Boondocks,I Survived,Golden Girls,Jersey Shore,Bad Girls Club,and SpongBob SquarePants. My favorite movies are StepBrothers, A Bug's Life, Lion King, Lottery Ticket, Scary Movie, and Paranormal and Hostel.

I love ice cream, fruit, and seafood.I praise dance and might be in a quior in my church. My favorite subject in school is math because its super fun and easy. My weakest subject is History because its super duper hard and the class is always boring! I like going to auditions and things like that, I like going in front of alot of people to entertain them. You will never catch me without any jewlery because I always wear it, and I love it. Partys are also very fun to me of course. Im a Scropio and I was born on October 24,1996. My favorite holidays is Christmas because of all the beautiful lights and all the beautiful moods and tention in the air and just the fact that it has something to do with the lord and because I get gifts and also I like the great smell of the trees.I like Halloween because its fun to dress up and go out trick or treating getting candy seeing everybodys cool costumes but I dont like the fact of what Halloween represents. I also like Thanksgiving because of all the delicious food and because we are thanking god for everything he has done. Also I like Valentines Day because its so sweet being with your loved one and spending the day with them, but if you dont have a valentine I still love it because thats when you get  a card asking if you can be !

Last but not least BIRTHDAYS because you get older and get gifts and you get cake and ice cream and alll the attention.

Well thats really all i have to say about myself  Thank you for reading this!

-                                                                   Tionna Taylor


  1. Not bad really like how your in to dance and all that. Good job hope to hear more.

  2. You got a lot of things down on here, good job! Its a good length too and you did the paragraph style.
    I bet when you're older, you're gonna be in the entertainment industry. You seem like that type of person based on this post. So when you get big, don't forget your TA from your Sophomore English class. Lol.
    You did a great job, keep it up!

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