Tuesday, September 13, 2011


"I actually love going to the home games, they crowd gets very hyped and excited and I get to hangout with a lot of my friends and cheer for the team" ~ Deja Johnson's Post

 I also love going to home games to just the whole feeling and spirit feels wonderful. I didnt really get to hang out with my friends last year at JV games because i was a cheerleader for my school back in Vegas! My first game that i cheered at was so scary i was very nervous and  also i was a flyer so it was even more scary. A flyer is one of the girls that gets tossed up in the air by other cheerleaders and do stunts while they are in the air. Well back to my story i had messed up plenty of times during the game and i was one of  the cheerleaders that made up dances and cheers and i was MESSING UP! Now that is just riduculis but i was very nervous and we had to do a dance in the middle of the field and it was very scary but i did it and we always had to smile so it was complicated.

 After a few games i started getting used to it and i just went out there and did my thing! At my school in Vegas everyone loved the cheerleaders we were very highly populated and we were very nice and people had looked up to us and we were very good rolemodles. Im glad i wasnt a freshman cheerleader even thow i was a freshman thankfully i made JV because sadly people made fun of them because they werent the best they sucked but i still love them and i miss my team very much!

Now i go to AHS and im not a cheerleader so now i could enjoy all games and be happy hang out with my friends and not have to be worried and scared about performing in front of everyone! ;)

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