Thursday, September 8, 2011


Well tommarow i have huge photoshoot to do and i cant wait im very excite! Its gonna be in sacremento and theres gonna be aggents comeing from New York and LA. I hope i do good and dont mess up because this means alot to me. Also today was a good day instead of the end, I heard horrible news and im very hurt inside but im sure i will be okay hopfully because im a very strong girl and i shouldnt let things get to me. I have a beautiful future so i just think i need to focus on school and my career. Theres no such thing as bestfriends to me and i think you could only love your family because you will do anything for them you may say you will do anything for the one you love but honestly when it comes to that point you really dont or normally dont. So  i dont believe in lovee unless its family =). So football game tommarow at school cant wait to go im going to be with my friends and watch and cheer for some of the football players i know and im very excited and gonna have a good time and not let today bother me but i may be very upset and quiet tomarrow at school guys cause im very emotional and hurt =( well thats all ok byee!!!! ~ Tionna ~

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