Tuesday, September 13, 2011


 This is my responce to  Leslie Rich's Post !!!

"We all know that there are certain rules of love that we must follow in order to keep our relationship happy. Rules like do not cheat, take it slow, do not make the other person uncomfortable and even more.What are the possible consequences for breaking the rules? Breaking the rules of love causes heartbreak."  

      I totally agree with Leslie. Because there are so many rules in this little thing called Love. Usually people dont follow them and ends up hurting peoples hearts. Thats why i dont try to fall in love sometimes but you really cant controll on who you love. I once was in love before, i was with this guy sence 8th grade and we recently broke up a few days ago. It was hard to get over but honestly were not together because SOMEBODY didnt know or want to follow the "Love" rules lol.

   I think that if your not gonna be prepared for your heart to get broken then you shouldnt be in a relationship or at least try not to fall in Love. Sometimes Love doesnt have to be so tradgic sometimes it could just be your little fairytail and become to a beautiful marriage but sometimes that turns horrible to lol. So i think that ima just focus on school and my modeling career. I hear so many stories of people saying ohhh i love i love i would do this i will do that but then they tell me how they end up getting cheated on or beat or killed or anything and sometimes its because those people dont follow the rules of love.

    So if you ever think or fell that you are in Love just follow rules dont cheat dont lie dont harm anyone be nice and cuddley if you think you cant do that then maybe love isnt the thing for you. =)

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