Tuesday, October 4, 2011


"Human nature" has something to do with, love,language, whats we do, how we act, relationships, moods and things like that.

Unlike dogs they bite, bark and go bad when there angry, but us humans can hold it in and some of us go all out, must of the time thats what i do when im angry thats why im always in trouble, but sometimes i hold it in and i dont take it out on the person that made me mad. I have to talk to someone close to me so i could just tell them how i feel and that's how i let my anger out.

When animals like dogs and exc.  feel in love i think they like each other heads or run around, wag there tails. Us humans on the oth er hand i think say lovable thing, like "I love you" and buy each other things. And a similary that they have with us is having off springs witch is babies cause i think all living things produces babies or something younger then them.

Humans do things when they wanna have fun . For an example i like to listen to music and dance. Sometimes i like going shopping and going out just depends on who im with and where it is. Im using dogs as another example to help my side lol weell dogs im sure when they want to have fun they run around and bite each other or like want to go to the park and play ball or frisby or something like that.

Daily things that humans do is go to school, or work we brush our teeth take showers those are like daily things for us . Dogs dont go to school or work you could brush your dogs teeth but im sure they dont take baths and brush there teeth everyday. A similary that we have in daily things is we all eat , drink , most of us walk we all go to hospitals when need help but dogs just go to an animal hospital.
We talk with words , dogs bark or growl when there mad we yell or scream when were mad.

Another similary that we have is relationships. Humans live off relationships, this is how we all come this world. Us human females use curlers and flat irons and things like that to do our hair now i dont think if you not a human you dont do that.

When we cry tears come out of our eyes and sometimes our nose gets runny. We drive in cars, trucks, busses, we walk . We play video games and go computers and read bbooks paint our nails listen to music text talk on  the phone be on facebook alll  the time and things like that.

We dress up and wear shoes. We worship our gods if we have one that we believe in. We blink like almost every 4 seconds. We have to drink and eat in order to survive. We ururine everyday =) and yeah thats how we all are humans.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the points you make here are pretty strong; others feel a bit off topic. But the most important thing I want to bring up about this is: SENTENCES. Many of your sentences are run-ons and need to be broken down into shorter pieces with periods in between. Here's an example:

    "Unlike dogs they bite, bark and go bad when there angry, but us humans can hold it in and some of us go all out, must of the time thats what i do when im angry thats why im always in trouble, but sometimes i hold it in and i dont take it out on the person that made me mad. I have to talk to someone close to me so i could just tell them how i feel and that's how i let my anger out."

    Should be more like:

    Unlike dogs that bite, bark and go bad when there angry, us humans can hold it in. Some of us go all out. Most of the time thats what i do when im angry; thats why im always in trouble. But sometimes i hold it in and i dont take it out on the person that made me mad. I have to talk to someone close to me so i could just tell them how i feel. That's how i let my anger out.

    This is not the ONLY way to adjust this paragraph, but I hope you can see the differences and why they improve the writing. From here on out I want you to pay close attention to your sentence structures...I will help you with this when you write a draft of a post, let's sit down and look at it together and work through these types of revisions.
