Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What advise would you give to people about how to "make the big choices in life"? Why?

An good advise about makeing big choices in life, is to live it to the fullest, like this article said "live everyday like itss your last.

Like go to college, when you do your homework do it right, show your work, check your work, like do everything you do to the fullest.Whatever you want to do in life you should make it big like maybe famous, or an eventer like try to find the cure for cancer event a new big thing in life.

You could try to do anything you want to do like meet the president or even.."Jesus" -.- Like if i hade to make the big choices in life, I would try to became an big famous model,I will go to outerspace, and meet, "TYGA" an cute rapper, "my husband" or even i will love to spend a whole day in the studio with the whole "YoungMoney" family, they are famous rappers and im a very big fan of them.

So yeah thats what I think you should do to make big choices in life, dont go to jail, live your life be happy, go party, go wild, oh yeah another thing i want to do is be on a reality show like "Bad Girls Club" thats a show with a bunch of crazy , bad girls and I just think it will be fun to be on that show because im bad !! lol ...i think.

I also would love to be on the Jersey Shore show cause its hella cool. And that show is just a reality show with a house hold of rumates from Jersey living life and its funny dramamtic. So yeah just live your life to the fullest do big things !

1 comment:

  1. Tionna, I see some progress on the work on getting your sentence structures under control. Particularly the first and last paragraphs here are better; they have less run-ons. In the middle paragraphs, however, you're still running wild with sentences that keep going. Change some of those commas to periods!

    I don't really understand what you mean by living life to the fullest. You give a bunch of examples, but they don't seem connected...find a cure for cancer or get famous? Sounds like you just whipped these off without thinking 'em through too much...?
